Shannon 24th October 2009

My true friendship with Mike came after he met Jenn. I'm sure part of that has to do with us being more grown up, learning to share our best friend Joel after 10 or so years, and also because Jenn helped to bring out the best in him. A 'good' side effect of being in love I think. This is when I became much better friends with Mike, rather than me just being Joel's wife mostly. I became friends with Mike's love and then I got to spend more time with Mike doing things other than just band and bar things-like camping, hiking, and traveling. I got to know Mike's soft, caring, and even vulnerable side. I've always known that Mike was those things, but I was finally able to apply them to our friendship. I'm so thankful that we did finally become better friends. My life is definitely richer because of all of the good things that came with the Mike Freeman package. I love you and miss you Mike. Thankfully, I know that you are at peace in in a good place. This brings me great peace. Thank you for you. Love, Shan