This site is dedicated to the memory of Mike Freeman.

Welcome to Mike Freeman’s memorial page. Here you can post pictures, video, audio recordings...ANYTHING you have that you want to share in remembrance of Mike Freeman. This page is here indefinitely and has enough storage space to hold unlimited files. So don’t be afraid of posting anything big. Mike knew a lot of people and touched a lot of people’s lives. And since it would be impossible to get every single person who met Mike together at once, this is the best way we can all come together to remember him. Please explore the space and see how you can interact to do so. Also, there is a donation page that will be set up to make donations to The Colorado Neurological Institute which includes Dr. Arenson’s clinic. ALSO, if anyone is involved in any sort of marathons/fund raising events in Mike’s memory, let me know and we will see if we can help raise money in Mike’s honor. Get sharing! Mike was an amazing character and there are countless memories to share and laughs to be had, which I am sure Mike would completely appreciate! So get to it!


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