Julia Jordan 22nd October 2009

I’ve learned a lot about Mike through the things that other people have said and written about him on the Caring Bridge site during his 16 month fight against cancer. I didn’t know the “rock star” Mike that many people knew although I did know the Mike that made you laugh in every single conversation with him. But really I knew the Mike that was an amazing partner to my sister. The “family man” Mike. The Mike that made fun of my mother (and got away with it), the Mike that participated willingly in Christmas programs and hours of the Jordan stocking tradition, the Mike that helped out behind the scenes at my wedding, the Mike that tolerated the Jordan family stuck in his house for a week in a Colorado blizzard, the Mike that loved my sister. I will miss him terribly, not just for who he was, but for what he was to one of the most important people in my life.