Michael James Freeman by Holly Lancaster

Created by Nichol 14 years ago
Michael James Freeman lived out his 38 years with gusto. His life was filled with love and laughter, friends and family, music, good eats, and fine brews. Mike was quite good at many things: cooking, carpentry, and fixing most things—especially cars. But his main passion was for the arts; he was an actor, filmmaker, painter, producer, and his personal favorite—a rock star. His punk band Gina Go Faster, who toured the US, UK, and Europe had an amazing 13 years together. Patrons catching a show at the Lion’s Lair, Larimer Lounge, or the Bluebird, would most likely see fans moshing or singing “Yeah, yeahs” with Mike on stage, and definitely see Mike doing the splits while strumming his bass. Mike loved his family and friends very much; they were the subject of his songs. One of his songs, called “Nickels” was about taking his grandmother to Blackhawk to play slots on her 80th birthday. "A nickel does it better/But a quarter does the trick." It was an unlikely subject for a punk song, but it was a fan favorite. He was a sentimental, kind man who loved to make people laugh with not-so-tenderhearted stories. Always the performer, he’d have a captive audience patiently waiting for the punch line of a hilarious tale. Last year, when Mike was diagnosed with a brain tumor, his friends put together several benefits for him and raised enough money to take care of his medical costs. This and other outpourings of support proved just how many lives he touched: Jennifer Jordan, his beautiful fiancée, his sun, his moon, his everything and her everything too; Dan Fox, his dear friend and fund-raising champion; Joel Abell his “brother from another mother,” best friend, and fellow band mate; his brother and closest friend, Bill Freeman, who stayed at his home many nights and cooked alongside his wife, Kirsten; his parents Candi and Bill Freeman who held his musical hand through it all; his sister Holly Lancaster who took him out on lunch dates for spiritual chats, his sister Claire Dempsey who flew through the sky many times to talk about the old days; his loyal employers at the Flying Dog Brewery, who donated locations, food, and drinks for several events; the friends who fixed up his BMW 2002; the bands who donated their talent; the friends, family, and fans who gave money, cards, time, music, and kind words. Mike died while he was dreaming on September 9, 2009 next to the love of his life. He’ll always be a star.